First records of marine sea slugs (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia) of the Tuxpan Reef System, Mexico, with extended distribution records
The knowledge of nudibranchs and sea slugs of northern Veracruz is updated through photographic records. Samplings were performed with snorkel for shallow areas and scuba diving for deep slopes at the Reef System Tuxpan (SAT) during 2014-2016. A total of 11 species of sea slugs were identified at the SAT of which Navanax gemmatus and Oxynoe antillarum are new records for the Lobos-Tuxpan Reef (SALT), while Chelinodura hirundinina, Aplysia morio and Flabellina engeli are recorded for the first time at Veracruz State. The range of distribution of Thuridilla picta, Tyrinna evelinae and Phyllidiidae sp. is extended into the Gulf of Mexico. These new records increase the diversity to 22 species of sea slugs for SALT.
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